It's hard to grade this story because it's purposefully written as if it had come out decades ago. As such, it really does fit the mold of the older Superman stories I read as a kid (and that you'll find in the "Showcase Presents" TPBs). We are introduced to Sentry, his sidekick,

While I'm really happy to see them giving Sentry another shot at a solo miniseries (this is his third), I can't say I'm thrilled with how they're doing it here. It was interesting to see those flashes from the supposed "lost issues" during his first miniseries and the New Avengers storyline, but I'm not sure how it will hold up to six issues. Of course, I could be wrong and Marvel could pull out some awesome surprises before its through. I'll definitely be back for the next issue just because I like the character, but anyone with just a passing interest in him will probably skip it altogether.

Mighty Avengers #18 came out last week, and while I've been reviewing past issues because of their importance in the Secret Invasion, I'm skipping this one altogether. It's supposed to be an important Nick Fury back-story about how he led his new secret commando team to capture Maria Hill because she was a Skrull, but we all know she wasn't a Skrull because of what happened in Secret Invasion #5, so the entire issue is a waste of paper and time. No suspense because we know ahead of time the entire team will make it out of the mission alive (we've seen them in the aforementioned issue of SI), and there's no suspicion of Maria Hill. A stupid filler issue.

Until the Secret Invasion series is over, it's safe to toss Mighty Avengers and New Avengers aside. Save your money for better books.
The original costume for the Sentry looks a lot like the old Black Hood from Archie Comics. Possible Copyright infringement? Did they think fans of golden age books had forgot?
I hadn't noticed that before, but you're right. I think they were going for that Golden Age feel with this story and version of the character, but I believe they even matched Black Hood's colors as well!
I like the new header.
Thanks! :)
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