Bill Foster (Giant-Man)

Later we learned that it wasn't Thor but was actually a clone created by Reed Richards, but that didn't stop the death from being real to us. It changed the entire landscape of the Civil War, and even managed to force many heroes to change sides (on both sides) when they saw what had happened. Rebels became Registered, and vice-versa. It was well-done and not gimmicky in any way. The transition to Bill's nephew (seeking revenge for his uncle's death) of the "Giant-Man" mantle made sense.
Ant-Man (Scott Lang)
The replacement Ant-Man had a long and illustrious career as a hero wearing Hank Pym's original suit. Scott Lang even

The Avengers Disassembled storyline began with Scott's death at the hands of the resurrected Jack-of-Hearts. With that death, Marvel had made it clear that this was not just some simple multi-part storyline that would fade into oblivion quietly in a few months.

Did the change last? No. It was less than three months later before we saw the first issue of The New Avengers, followed soon after that by The Mighty Avengers (and now we're about to see The Dark Avengers coming up). Still, Scott's death was the first and still holds. He could never be considered a major player in the Marvel Universe, but his death set the stage for the destruction of the Avengers for a short while.
Kraven the Hunter

Why would the death of one of Spider-Man's

After showing himself Spider-Man's better, we thought the story was over. The truth was that Marvel was saving one last major plot twist that came out of nowhere and changed the landscape of Spider-Man's rogue's gallery forever. Kraven pulled out a shotgun and proceeded to ventilate his head, giving us the first death of any major Spider-Man villain to date--and from suicide, no less. This truly was Kraven's Last Hunt.
While the Spider-Man storyline The Other managed to top this by actually giving us the death of Peter Parker (and of course, his return), Marvel lived up to the hype with this one for a little while. Unfortunately we've had to deal with a number of Kraven's relatives who have come through the ranks to take his place, but the original--and still the best--is no longer with us, giving mortality to those iconic Spider-villains we sometimes take for granted.
Janet Van Dyne (The Wasp)

The Skrull's Secret Invasion was one of the strongest things

Through defeat after defeat, Marvel's heroes bravely fought back against a far

Given a new growth formula by the Hank Pym Skrull in the first issue of Mighty Avengers, the significance of that gift suddenly became apparent as Janet went nuclear in the midst of the heroes. Only the intervention of the newly-returned Thor kept the body count down to one in the middle of the chaos.
It was a parting shot in the final issue of the story, and it served to motivate the heroes to annihilate the remainder of the Skrull army. It also served to set Hank Pym against Tony Stark in the following issue of Mighty Avengers, and who knows where that might lead. Of course, we know she's coming back some day, but for now her death has caused major ripples in the Marvel U.
Jack Munroe (Nomad)

First he was the sidekick, then he became a hero in

The appearance of the Winter Soldier in the new Captain America series had some folks wondering. He looked a whole lot like Jack Munroe, and there were many rumors flying around that he might just be Cap's new villain.

It was Jack's death at the hands of the Winter Soldier that managed to settle that argument once and for all. Marvel made it plain and certain that Jack really was dead too, giving us a few parting panels of Jack's glassy-eyed stare as he was unceremoniously crammed into the trunk of a car.
The storyline later tried to take a turn by having Cap even think it might be Jack for a little while before the truth came out that Bucky Barnes had found his way back from the grave. Still, Jack's death was important because he was the first sidekick to be taken down by another sidekick, and it was the first real death by someone close to Cap in this new storyline that would eventually lead to Bucky taking Cap's place after his own death.

Northstar could in no way be considered anything more than a C-list character, but his death makes the list simply because Wolverine took him down...and it wasn't even a "What If?" story or anything! Of course, he only stayed dead a few issues before coming back as a Hand agent (brought back from the dead). And of course, it begs the question that if he's supposed to be a super-speedster, how on Earth did he get pinned to the tree by Wolverine instead of flying away? Not as fast as he thought, I guess.